
We are developing a treatment that will be applied directly to the diseased area, in the form of a gel, and is activated using a specific wavelength of light.

We have seen positive results in pre-clinical animal studies and are looking to move into the clinic towards the end of 2022. We envisage this treatment will provide a convenient way of managing patients with oral dysplasia and reduce their risk of developing mouth cancer.

Our Solution

LightOx’s new technologies fundamentally change the way in which light-based therapies are delivered to the patient through a new class of patented small molecule, fluorescent, multi-functional compounds which overcome the limitations of current light-based treatments.

Particularly appropriate for the treatment of pre-cancerous and early stage oral cancer, this light-based therapeutic treatment minimises side-effects for patients and is less invasive than surgery.


Small compound size suitable for topical formulation
Cell penetration using small molecule drug


Directed light illuminates compromised area
Drug localises in compromised tissue and fluoresces at specific wavelength


The cancerous area is identified
There is minimal collateral damage


Increased light power on targeted area activates cell killing
Natural mechanism: ROS production leads to cell apoptosis

The treatment could be as simple as: dentist’s standard oral inspection, in-surgery treatment, repeated as necessary.

Early identification of oral squamous cell carcinoma with instant treatment by inducing apoptosis (natural cell death) of the selected cells and tissues with minimal damage to healthy cells.

Important advancements include:

  1. Selective targeting for cancer cells as opposed to healthy cells
  2. Small molecule, ideal for topical application
  3. Minimal off-target toxicity
  4. Dual diagnostic and treatment agents
  5. Non-toxic in the absence of light activation
  6. Rapid uptake in cancer cells, reducing the exposure time to the drug and speeding up light-based treatment times

Our phototherapeutic drugs precisely target diseased tissues and, by using light-based treatment, only these areas are activated, enabling rapid treatment and destruction of specific cells and tissues.

We are building relationships with clinicians working in the oral cancer and phototherapeutic areas to ensure that our ongoing development programme keeps patients at the heart of everything we do. We are working to ensure that our novel treatment is as simple and user-friendly as possible for both clinicians to use and patients to experience.

We are actively seeking new partners in the area of Head and Neck cancer especially those who have experience working with Photodynamic Therapies.

Get in touch to start a conversation with our team



Our technologies lie in the design and synthesis of new chemical entities, tailoring molecular properties to the required application.


LightOx has shown positive pre-clinical results and are planning on conducting a Phase I safety trial of LXD191 with partners in the UK.