Meet the Team – Becky Crow

“What I find incredibly rewarding is seeing the pre-clinical development of a drug in ‘real life’ and thinking about the potential impact those drugs could make to people’s lives.”

What’s your name and job title?

Becky Crow, Head of Projects at LightOx Ltd.


How long have you been at LightOx?

I have been with the company for five months now and it has flown by! For me having the opportunity to be involved in the development of such an innovative treatment for oral cancer was what attracted me most. That and being given the chance to learn about the running of a life science company.  LightOx are delivering such pioneering work and it’s wonderful to be part of.


Can you share a bit about your previous experience in the health and life sciences industry?

Well, I actually have a photography degree, very different to Life Sciences!

Sector wise however, I have held a number of different roles. These have included research governance in the NHS and overseeing neuromuscular clinical trials for 10 years at Newcastle University. This led me to pursue a Masters in Project Management in Clinical Research.

My last role was working for Invest Newcastle which involved attracting life sciences companies to set up in the region- it gave me a great insight into the innovative work going on in the North East!


What are your particular areas of interest and expertise?

I have a lot of experience in setting up and running large projects and clinical trials which I really enjoy.

Some may say that I’m essentially a convener! Bringing the right people together to achieve an organisation’s desired goals.


What role do you play in the development of LightOx’s new therapies for oral cancer and wound care or in supporting the LightOx business?

In a nut shell, I oversee all of LightOx’s projects and grants.  Making sure that everything is running smoothly and coordinating all the necessary parts so what we want to make happen – happens!


What do you like the most, or find the most interesting about your role?

What I find incredibly rewarding is seeing the pre-clinical development of a drug in ‘real life’. It’s a wonderful process, seeing things evolve and thinking about the potential impact those drugs could have on people’s lives.


What does a typical working day at LightOx look like for you?

Being relatively new to the business, I am still getting to grips with the many different grants and projects.  A big part of my role however has been working to get processes in place to ensure everything is running smoothly. This is particularly important given the recent growth of LightOx’s grant portfolio.

What are your hopes or ambitions for the projects you’re working on? 

Currently my main area of focus will be to get LightOx’s oral cancer treatment into clinical trials. Alongside this, I will be working on the development of the company’s wound care treatment which is also a core focus of the business.


When you are not at work how do you like to unwind?

When not at work, I love spending time with friends and family and enjoying days out with my son and husband.


Who are the 4 guests dead or alive you would invite to your dinner party?

I’m not actually too bothered about meeting anyone famous (wouldn’t want to ruin the illusion), so my star guest would be my best mate Anna who lives in Australia. I haven’t seen her for a few years and it would be amazing to spend some time with her.

Finally, in another life what would have been your dream job?

I would have loved to have been an Architectural Photographer. I particularly love exploring derelict buildings and documenting their regeneration.  Would be a great way to spend your day!

Find out more

LightOx is keen to collaborate with companies and research groups alike in a number of areas and so if you have any enquiries or ideas of how you might use the technology or if you wish to know more  please contact us on our contact page here.

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